School Literacy Movement and Its Implications towards Students’ Learning: A Comparative Case Study in Jakarta and Taiwan,International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Other 2020 Ilza Mayuni、Eva Leiliyanti、Noni Agustina、Vera Yulianti、陳英輝(Yinghuei Chen)*
Is There a Feminist Text in Jane Eyre?--A Reappraisal,Journal of Literature and Art Studies, vol.9 no.1 pp.1450-1459 Other 2019 陳英輝(Yinghuei Chen)
The Limitation and Development of Elizabeth Gaskell’s Social Vision,Journal of Literature and Art Studies, vol.7 no.5 pp.489-499 Other 2017 陳英輝(Yinghuei Chen)
The Analytical Approach and Realism in George Eliot,國立彰化師範大學文學院學報 no.11 pp.1-14 Other 2015 陳英輝(CHEN YINGHUEI)*、、、、
The institutional turn and the crisis of ESP pedagogy in Taiwan,Taiwan International ESP Journal, vol.3 no.1 pp.17-30 Other 2011 陳英輝(Yinghuei Chen)
English for Hospitality & Tourism. Chief Editor & Author Taipei: AMC Publishing Company 2011.01 陳英輝(CHEN YINGHUEI)
SOAFAL Mala Vol-II, Humanities in the Age of the "New Normal" for A World in Flux Siksha O Anusandhan 2022 陳英輝(CHEN YINGHUEI)
What Could We English Teachers Learn from Kazuo Ishiguro? - 2019 International Conference on Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences(IC-HEdS) Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Indonesia 2019.11 陳英輝(CHEN YINGHUEI)
Connecting Literature with Innovation and Leadership-a Journey of Exploration Starting with The Little Prince - The 3rd Asia Pacific Management Research Conference Bali, Indonesia 2019.11 陳英輝(CHEN YINGHUEI)
EMI and its discontents - 2016 EMI Practices in Higher Education Conference Taiwan,Tainan,National Cheng Kung University 2016.10 陳英輝(CHEN YINGHUEI)
Repositioning English departments in Taiwan's higher education - 2016 International Connference and Workshop on English for Specific Purposes Taiwan,Tainan,Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology 2016.10 陳英輝(CHEN YINGHUEI)
Internship as a Gateway to the World and the Industry - Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia Bandung,Indonesia 2016.10 陳英輝(CHEN YINGHUEI)
Faculty Voices on Teaching through English as a Foreign Language - TESOL 2014 International Convention&English Language Expo Portland,Oregon,USA 2014.03
Creating a Harmonious ESP Classroom with a Textbook - TESOL 2013 TESOL ESPIS - IATEFL ESP-SIG Intersection Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, Texas, USA 2013.03
“ESP Pedagogy in Taiwan: Conflict, collaboration, and transformation” - English for Specific Purposes Interest Section Academic Session TESOL International Convention & English Language Expo Dallas, USA 2013.03 陳英輝(CHEN YINGHUEI)
An ESP Classroom with a Textbook - 2013 TESOL International Convention Dallas Convention Center, Dallas, Texas, USA 2013.03
The Institutional Turn and the Crisis of ESP Pedagogy in Taiwan. - 45th Annual Convention New Orleans, USA 2011.03 陳英輝(CHEN YINGHUEI)
Critical Reevaluation of ESP Curricula and approaches in Asia - The 45th Annual TESOL Convention and Exhibit New Orleans, USA 2011.03
ESP: Course Design and Implication - 2010 International Conferece on Applied Linguistics National Chiayi Univ. ,Taiwan 2010.01
Effective Practices in ESP Instruction: The Asian Context - The 44th Annual TESOL Convention and Exhibit Boston, USA 2010.01
Restructuring English Education for Technical & Vocational Colleges with Special Focus on ESP and the English Proficiency Certification - 2009 International Symposium on ESP and Its Teaching Wuhan, China 2009.01
Primary Innovation In-Country Research: A Study of Mixed Classroom Ability and Remedial Teaching in Primary Schools in Taiwan - Primary Innovation Regional Seminar Bangkok, Thailand 2008.01
The Use of English at Three Major Public Service Institutes in Kaohsiung City in Taiwan - The 10th English in South-east Asia Conference 汶萊 2005.01
The “Unquiet Slumbers”: The Public and Private Past in The Remains of the Day - 中央研究院歐美研究所亞裔英美文學國際研討會 台北 2003.01
Primary Innovation In-Country Research: A Study of Mixed Classroom Ability and Remedial Teaching in Elementary Schools in Taiwan (FY96-RD-021) 2007.12.01 ~ 2008.03.01 陳英輝(Yinghuei Chen)、張瓊文
文乎?語乎?母語乎?外語乎?-國內雙語教育現況與問題研究 (NSC95-2745-H-242-001-HPU) 2006.08.01 ~ 2009.07.01 陳英輝(Yinghuei Chen)、曹純瓊、吳柳嬌、楊璧琿、張鈺珮、張瓊文、李貞瑩
Primary Innovation- Teachers’ Hot Event: A Symposium on Mixed Classroom Ability & Remedial Teaching for Elementary School Teachers in Taiwan (FY96-RD-031) . . ~ . . 陳英輝(Yinghuei Chen)、張瓊文
文學作品讀法(一) 46U00143A (大學日間部 )【第113學年第1學期:A班】<br> 本課程係外文系大一人文定錨課程,旨在培養學生文本閱讀能力(textual power),進而養成思辨與批判思維. 以閱讀英文詩歌、短篇小說及戲劇選讀為主。 本課程也將善用生成式AI (ChatGPT)做為學生學習、教學與成效評量之用。