美國健康教育的實施及其啟示─ 以氣喘及肥胖為例,國民教育研究集刊, vol.47 no.3 pp.102-106 Other 2007 張乃心、林淑芳、李樂樂、李湘屏、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
父母教養型態、家庭支持、教師教學行為、學生自尊與健康行為之研究,國立台北師範學院學報人文藝術類, vol.13 pp.149-176 Other 2000 姜逸群、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、連海生
Asian Perspectives and Evidence on Health Promotion and Education, Developing the Curriculum and Instruction Model for Suicide Prevention and Life Education in Taiwan Springer 2011 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
Health Promoting School, Life Education, Health e-learning and 2nd APHPE - The 21st IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion Pattaya Thailand 2013.08
The effectiveness of Health Education for Metabolic symdrom prevention - The 21st IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion Pattaya Thailand 2013.08 蔡宛倫(Tsai, Wan Lun)
An International Comparison of Health Promoting Hospital on Trauma Delivery System between Taiwan and Japan - 對應霸凌問題之健康促進學校世界觀 日本千葉大學Chiba University 2013.03
Correlation Research on University Students' Health Literacy between their Safety Knowledge, Self-efficacy and Safety Behavior - 對應霸凌問題之健康促進學校世界觀 日本千葉大學Chiba University 2013.03
Effect of Industry Hygiene Self-governing Ordinance on Promoting Health Management Quality of the Miaoli County Tourist Hotel Business – a Healthy City Intervention in Taiwan - 因應霸凌問題:台灣的健康促進與生命教育 日本千葉大學Chiba University 2013.03
The Correlation among Students' Love, Forgiveness and Anti-bullying in Elementary School - 對應霸凌問題之健康促進學校世界觀 日本千葉大學Chiba University 2013.03
An international Comparison of Health Promoting Hospital on Trauma Delivery System between Taiwan And Japan - 2012年健康促進國際學術研討會 國立臺灣師範大學圖書館B1國際會議廳 2012.12 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
The new era of health education ---Life Education for School Students and Retirees - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo 2009.07 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
A Study on Establishing a Strategy Model and Health Education Model for Drug Abuse Prevention - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo 2009.07 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
Study of Self-Esteem, Substance Abuse Behavior and Health Promoting Lifestyle of Upland Aboriginal Junior High School Students-An Example from Upland Aborigine Country in Northern Taiwan - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo 2009.07 Chang LC、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
The Development of Theoretical Model for Life Education for School Students and Retirees - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo. 2009.07 Chang, Ching-Tzu、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
A Study on the Life Attitude and the Health-related Life Style and happiness of the Retirement - The First AsiaPacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba,Tokyo 2009.07 Chang, CT、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
The Content Analysis of Substance Abuse Prevention Education in the Health Education Textbooks - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba,Tokyo 2009.07 ChungTY、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
Study on the Relationship between Meaning in Life and Resilience among College Students - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo 2009.07 Ho YS、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
A Study on Content Analysis of Theses of Smoking Behavior and Resilience in Adolescent in Taiwan - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo 2009.07 Hsiao JI、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
A Study of Healthy Lifestyle, Emotion Regulation, Psychological Flexibility and Fatigue among Elementary School Teachers in Taipei - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo 2009.07 Huang YL、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
Drug Abuse Prevention from Clinic Aspect: The Relationship between Life Skills, Spiritual Status and 'Say No' to Drug Abuse Behavior - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo. 2009.07 Wong PS、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
Study on Perceived Health Status, Psychological Flexibility, Social Support and Sleep Quality for the Outpatients of the Ear-Nose-Throat Department - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo 2009.07 Cheng SC、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Chang LC
The Effects of Self-Esteem Curriculum Intervention on Preschoolers - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo 2009.07 Lin YY、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Yang CL
Study on Knowledge, Attitude and Instructional Behavior of Sexual Education among Homeroom Teachers at a Health Promoting Junior High School in Taipei - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo. 2009.07 Wang JS、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Lyu WR
The exploration of the start smoking behavior in elementary school and the Smoke-free health promoting school trial - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo. 2009.07 Wu CL、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Tsai CY
The Effects of Shared-experience Life Education Curriculum on Preschoolers’ Peer Interactions - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo. 2009.07 Yang SH、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Chang TH
Resilience as the Core Content of Life Education for Worksite Health Education and Health Promotion - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo. 2009.07 Lu Pei-ling、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Chu Jih-Chiao、Shiau Mei Huey
A Study of Negotiation Knowledge, Interpersonal Relationship and Conflict Negotiation Skills in Third-Grade Primary School Students - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo 2009.07 Yang CY、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Lyu WR、Yang YJ
A Study of Self-esteem and Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviors of Smoking Refusal Skills among 4th Grade Elementary Students in Taiwan - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo 2009.07 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Tsai CY、Lin JU、Wu JF、Lyu WR
Study of Self-esteem, Psychological Flexibility, Health Promoting Lifestyle and Deviant Behaviors among Upper-grade Level Elementary School Students in - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo 2009.07 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Chang LC、Chen SF、Lien MT、Chiang IC
Research on Establishing an Instructional Model of Drug Abuse Prevention for Elementary School Students, - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo 2009.07 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Chin YW、Lai LK、Yang YL、Wu TH、Lien MT、Chung HL
Study of Structuring a Drug Abuse Prevention Strategy Model for Elementary Schools - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo 2009.07 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Lien MT、Tsay WI、Yang YL、Chin YW、Wu TH、Chang LC
Research on Establishing a Life Skills Based Curriculum Model of Drug Abuse Prevention Education for Elementary School Students - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo 2009.07 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Wu TH、Yang YL、Chin YW、Lien MT、Lin YC、Lee TK
A Study of Knowledge, Attitude and Behaviors of Drug Abuse Prevention Life Skills among Upper-grade Level Elementary Students in Taiwan - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba,Tokyo. 2009.07 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Chang LC、Chiang IC、Lien MT、Lyu WR、Huang YT
A Study of Drug Abuse prevention, Life Skills, Self-esteem and Psychological Flexibility among Six-grade Elementary Students in Taiwan - The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Health Promotion and Education Chiba, Tokyo. 2009.07 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Wu JF、Tsay WI、Chang LC、Lyu WR、Xiao ZW、Hsiao CH
ACT-SLIM理論應用在青少年生命教育課程發展之行動研究—「樂於接納」「活出生命的價值」教學活動設計與評量 - 青少年生命教育論壇 國立台灣師範大學 2008.09 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
自殺預防的基礎教育—ACT-SLIM模式與生命教育教學能力評量表之發展研究。 - 2008生命教育與健康促進師資培育國際研討會 台灣台北國立台北教育大學 2008.07 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
Study of Self-esteem, Psychological Flexibility and Smoking Behavior of upland Aboriginal Junior High School Students - Japanese Society of health Education and Health Promotion. Japanese Society of health Education and Health Promotion. 2008.01 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Chang, L.C.、Chiang, I. C.、Yoshida,T.
The need assessment of nutrition education for foreign mothers in Taiwan - the 16th annual Conference on “A Paradigm Shift in Health Education and Services”held by Japanese Society of Health Education Osaka, Japan 2007.07 Pei Yu Ho、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
The intervention effect of Shared-experience Life- skills Instruction Model (SLIM) on community related health education in Taiwanese middle school - the 16th annual Conference on “A Paradigm Shift in Health Education and Services”held by Japanese Society of Health Education Osaka, Japan 2007.07 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Tsai Yun Chung、Yoshida Tohru
The effect of health promoting school workshop on the cognition,attitude and behavior intention for school teachers - the 16th annual Conference on “A Paradigm Shift in Health Education and Services”held by Japanese Society of Health Education Osaka, Japan 2007.07 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Ling Chia Chang、I-Chyun Chiang、Takashi Eto
A study of the Sexual Education beteeen Parents and Children in Taiwan - The 19th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education Health Promotion Comes of age:Research Vancouver,BC. 2007.06 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Chiang,I. C.、Lee,S. P.、Lai,Y. J.
Developing a framework of sports injury prevention for junior and senior high schools in Taiwan - The 19th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education Health Promotion Comes of age: Research Vancouver, BC. 2007.06 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、Chiang,I. C.、Lee,S. P.、Lai,Y. J.
A research on Taiwanese Elementary School Students' Stress event and Resilience - Paper presented at National Ochanomizu Uniersity Tokyo, Japan 2006.07 Yu Hsin Ho、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
A research on School Teachers Aesthetics Concept and Retirement Life Attitude in Taiwan - Paper presented at National Ochanomizu Uniersity Tokyo, Japan 2006.07 Ching-Tzu Chang、黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)
The Adult Health Beharior in Taipei County , Taiwan - The Second International Conference of Health Behavioral Science. Tokyo, Japan. 1993.01 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、I-Chyun Chian
The Adult Health Behavior in Taipei County, Taiwan - The Second International Conference of Health Behavioral Science Tokyo, JAPAN. 1991.01 黃雅文(Ya Wen Huang)、I-Chyun Chian