The influence of different tree densities on alpha waves, physical activity enjoyment, and satisfaction of late middle-aged and older adults using virtual cycling,EXPERIMENTAL GERONTOLOGY SCI 2024 湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)、Wang, T. C、Tsai, C. L(Tsai, C. L)*
Visual responses of patients with generalized anxiety disorder who cycling in the virtual sportscapes with different tree cover densities,Frontiers in Psychiatry SSCI 2022 Tsai-Chiao Wang、Tsai, Chia-Liang、湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)*
The Visual Attention and Psychological Responses from Older Customers to Wellness Service Pictures of Hotels,Frontiers in Psychology SSCI 2022 Tsai-Chiao Wang、湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)、Chia-Liang Tsai
The Visual Attention and Psychological Responses from Older Customers to Wellness Service Pictures of Hotels,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SSCI 2022 Tsai-Chiao Wang、湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)、Chia-Liang Tsai
The development of a sustainable wellness service marketing strategy in Taiwan based on consumer eye movements and preferences,JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION SCI 2021 Wang, TC、曾明朗(Ming-Lang Tseng)、Pan, HW、Hsiau, CC.、湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)*、Tsai, CL
Psychological and physiological responses in patients with generalized anxiety disorder: the use of acute exercise and virtual reality environment,International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health SSCI 2020 Wang, T. C.
The effect of tourism core competence on entrepreneurial orientation and service innovation performance in tourism small and medium enterprises,Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, vol.25 no.2 pp.89-100 SSCI 2019 湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)、Pei Zhang、Ying (Tracy) Lu、Tsai-Chiao Wang、Chia-Liang Tsai
The Effect of Cycling Through a Projection-Based Virtual Environment System on Generalized Anxiety Disorder,Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol.8 no.7 pp.973- SCI 2019 Wang, T. C.、Tsai, C. L.、湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)*、Wang, W. L.、Lee, K. T.
Environmental Sustainability on Tourist Hotels’ Image Development,Sustainability SSCI 2019 Wang, T. C.、Cheng, J. S.、Shih, H. Y.、Tsai, C. L.、湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)*、曾明朗(Ming-Lang Tseng)、Yao, Y. S.
Exploring Advertising Effectiveness of Tourist Hotels’ Marketing Images Containing Nature and Performing Arts: An Eye-Tracking Analysis,Sustainability, vol.10 no.3038 SSCI 2018 Wang, T. C.、Tsai, C. L.、湯大緯(Tang, T. W.)*
Restorative Quality in Tourist Hotel Marketing Pictures: Natural and Built Characteristics,Current Issues in Tourism SSCI 2018 王采蕎(Tsai-Chiao Wang)、湯大緯(Da-Wei Tang)*、蔡佳良(Chia-Liang Tsai)
Art-oriented model of hotel service innovation,International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol.30 no.1 pp.160-177 SSCI 2018 王采蕎(Tsai-Chiao Wang)、湯大緯(Da-Wei Tang)、鄭建雄(Jen-Son Cheng)
Designing lifestyle hotels,International Journal of Hospitality Management, vol.58 pp.56-65 SSCI 2016 鄭健雄(Jen-Son Cheng)、湯大緯(Da-Wei Tang)、施信佑(Hsin-Yu Shih)、王采蕎(Tsai-Chiao Wang)*
Making innovation happen through building social capital andscanning environment,International Journal of Hospitality Management, vol.56 no.1 pp.56-65 SSCI 2016 湯大緯(Da-Wei Tang)*
Developing service innovation capability in the hotel industry,Service Business, vol.9 no.1 pp.97-113 SSCI 2015 湯大緯(Da-Wei Tang)、王智弘(Wang Michael Chih-Hung)、湯雅云(Ya-Yun Tang)
Competing Through Customer Social Capital: The Proactive Personality of Bed and Breakfast Operators,Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, vol.20 no.2 pp.133-151 SSCI 2015 湯大緯(Da-Wei Tang)
Becoming an ambidextrous hotel: The role of customer orientation,International Journal of Hospitality Management, vol.39 no.1 pp.1-10 SSCI 2014 湯大緯(Da-Wei Tang)
Promoting service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors in hotels: The role of high-performance human resource practices and organizational social climates,International Journal of Hospitality Management, vol.31 no.3 pp.885-895 SSCI 2012 湯大緯(Da-Wei Tang)*、Ya-Yun Tang
服務導向與支持氣候對銷售績效之影響:情緒勞務與適應性銷售行為的中介效果,中山管理評論/Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, vol.19 no.1 pp.179-206 TSSCI 2011 林尚平、湯大緯(Da-Wei Tang)*、劉桂苓、沈渼君
從跨層次動因探討資訊系統使用者行為之初探,電子商務學報/Journal of E-Business, vol.12 no.3 pp.483-504 TSSCI 2010 吳建明(Chien-Ming Wu)、湯大緯(Da-Wei Tang)*
資訊系統「後導入階段」使用慣例的個案研究,臺大管理論叢/NTU Management Review, vol.19 no.1 pp.213-240 TSSCI 2008 吳建明(Chien-Ming Wu)、林尚平(Shang-Ping Lin)、湯大緯(Da-Wei Tang)、李純誼(Chun-I Li)
How to improve service quality: Internal marketing as a determining factor,TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT & BUSINESS EXCELLENCE, vol.19 no.11 pp.1117-1126 SSCI 2008 蔡雅芳(Yafang, Tsai)、湯大緯(Da-Wei Tang)
Handbook of Human Resource Management in the Tourism and Hospitality Industries, The benefits of high performance human resource practices 2018 湯大緯(Da-Wei Tang)、湯雅云(Ya-Yun Tang,)、王智弘(Chih-Hung Wang)、王采蕎(Tsai-Chiao Wang)
Digitization of traditional retail: The impact of content marketing on sales - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics Taichung, Taiwan 2024.07 湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)、Chia-Liang Tsai、Meng-Jie Lyu、Tsai-Chiao Wang、I-Chien Chen、Meng-Hsin LIU
The physical effects of different tree densities on the older adults using virtual cycling_stamped - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics Taichung, Taiwan 2024.07 湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)、Chia-Liang Tsai、Meng-Jie Lyu、Tsai-Chiao Wang
The Effects of Mixed Reality Based Badminton Training System on the Hitting Accuracy of Badminton and Cybersickness - The 21st International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering Phuket, Tailand 2024.06 Tsai-Chiao Wang、Chia-Liang Tsai、Tzu-Yi Liu、湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)
Exploring the health satisfaction of middle-aged and elderly adults after using VR sports and leisure services - 7th World Research Summit for Hospitality and Tourism UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management, Orlando Florida, USA 2023.12 Chia-Liang Tsai、Tsai-Chiao Wang、湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)
The effect of cycling in different green-covered environments on stress reduction - 2022年體育運動與休閒學術研討 台灣/臺南大學 2022.06 湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)、Tsai, Chia-Liang、Wang, Tsai-Chiao、Huang, Yi-Ying
The benefits of cycling in a virtual sportscape with green coverage for patients with generalized anxiety disorder - 2022年體育運動與休閒學術研討 台灣/臺南大學 2022.06 湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)、Tsai, Chia-Liang、Wang, Tsai-Chiao
The benefits of cycling in a virtual sportscape with different tree cover densities for patients with generalized anxiety disorder - 2022 International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making xinbei, Taiwan 2022.05 湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)、Tsai-Chiao Wang、Chia-Liang Tsai
Visual attention and behavioral intention of older consumers toward exercise consumption images - 2022 International Conference in Management Sciences and Decision Making xinbei, Taiwan 2022.05 湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)、Tsai-Chiao Wang、Chia-Liang Tsai
Using eye tracking technology to explore the effect of cycling in different green coverage densities on reducing stress - 2022 International E-Conference of Sport Leisure and Hospitality Management Taipei, Taiwan 2022.05 湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)、Tsai, Chia-Liang、Wang, Tsai-Chiao、Huang, Yi-Ying
Exploring the antecedents of service innovation performance in tourist hotels - The 13th Chinese Association of Business Management Technology Annual Conference and Symposium Taiwan 2018.12 湯大緯(Ta-Wei Tang)
Understanding Pet Attachment and Happiness Linkages: The Mediating Role of Leisure Coping - 2013 Seventh International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan 2013.07 湯大緯(Da-Wei Tang)、陳朝鍵(Chao-Chien Chen)
A multilevel investigation on mechanisms linking transformational leadership and customer outcomes: The role of service climate and adaptability. - Academy of Management Annual Meeting Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. 2009.01
2022 International E-Conference of Sport Leisure and Hospitality Management Best Paper Award 2022.05.15 授獎單位: 請選擇
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