Die olfaktorische Simulation und die Korpermetapher: Ducornets Gazelle, Tessaros The Perfume Collector und Suskinds Das Parfum,語文與國際研究 Other 2024 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)*
Psychophysiological factors as predictors of second language writing achievement in a computer-based test,Frontiers in Psychology SSCI 2022 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、李信達(Shin-Da Lee)*、Shujen Lee Chang,
Effects of Poor Sleep Quality on Attention, Anxiety and Foreign Language Performance in EFL College Students,Asian Journal of Language, Literature and Culture Studies Other 2022 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、李信達(Shin-Da Lee)*
Possible Mechanism of Aerobic Exercise Training on Post-menopausal Hearts: Anti-inflammation, Anti-apoptosis, and Anti-fibrosis,International Journal of Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Other 2021 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、李信達(Shin-Da Lee)*
Die Kunst der Perversitat: Die perverse Identitat in Jelineks Die Klavierspielerin und Suskinds Das Parfum,Tamkang Review Other 2019 Lee
Sucht in Raymond Carvers und Judith Hermanns Short Stories,語文與國際研究 no.16 Other 2016 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)*
Der Verrat in Raymond Carvers und Judith Hermanns Short Stories,Tamkang Review no.28 Other 2016 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)*
Cardiovascular pathologic changes due to methamphetamine usage,Adaptive Medicine Other 2016 劉哲銘(Cher-Ming Liou)、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、Shin-Da Lee(Shin-Da Lee)*
Eine Kleinigkeit mit groβer Wirkung: Judith Hermanns Raymond und Raymond Carvers A Small, Good Thing,應用外語學報 no.23 THCI 2015 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)*
Effects of Audio-Visual Aids on Foreign Language Test Anxiety, Reading and Listening Comprehension and Retention in EFL learners,PERCEPTUAL AND MOTOR SKILLS pp.576-590 SSCI 2015 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)*
Das dicke Körperbild und Habitus: Raymond Carvers Fat, Andre Dubus The Fat Girl und Marie Luise Kaschnitz Das dicke Kind,東吳外語學報 no.40 pp.37-52 Other 2015 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)
Die normale Unwahrscheinlichkeit der Liebe: Verführung in Judith Hermanns Die Liebe zu Ari Oskarsson und Raymond Carvers Wovon wir reden, wenn wir von Liebe reden,語文與國際研究 Other 2014 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)
Poor sleep quality measured by polysomnography in non-obese asthmatic children with or without moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea,SLEEP MEDICINE, vol.15 pp.1062-1067 SCI 2014 Yu-Kuei Teng、Li-Chi Chiang、Ko-Huang Lue、Shen-Wen Chang、Lee Wang、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、Hua Ting、李信達*
Überlegungen zum pädagogischen Fachbegriff „Literacy“ am Beispiel des Deutschlernens in Taiwan.,Futhark, vol.8 pp.155-165 Other 2013 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)
Sleep-disordered breathing, behavior, and academic performance in Taiwan schoolchildren,Sleep and Breathing, vol.15 no.1 pp.91-98 SCI 2011 Ting, H、Wang, RH、Yang, HJ、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、Lee, SD、Wang, L、、
Die Blickmetapher in Elsa Bernsteins Dämmerung und Charlotte Perkins Gilmans The Yellow Wallpaper,台德學刊 no.19 pp.79-98 Other 2010 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)
Das familiäre Panopticon und der Geschlechterdiskurs: Christiane Karoline Schlegels Düval und Charmille,台德學刊 no.16 pp.63-74 Other 2009 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)*
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate linked to physiologic response,STEROIDS no.74 pp.945-949 SCI 2009 Jung-ShiWang、Shu-Man Chen、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、Shin-Da Lee、Chih-Yang Huang、City C. Hsieh、Chia-Hua Kuo(Chia-Hua Kuo)*
Der Angestellte als Abjekt: Georg Kaisers Von morgens bis mitternachts und Elmer Rices The Adding Machine,台德學刊 no.13 pp.119-140 Other 2007 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)*
Der Tugenddiskurs und die Machtausübung: Lessings Miβ Sara Sampson und Friederike Sophie Hensels Die Familie auf dem Lande.,台德學刊 no.12 pp.95-114 Other 2007 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)*
Das heterotopische Spiel in der Literatur Kaun Tang International Publications 2022.08 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)
Die Simple Stories von Raymond Carver: Textanalyse im Vergleich zu den deutschsprachigen Autoren Cavesbooks 2019.07 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)
Die literarischen Inszenierungen der Identitätskonflikte in der deutschen Literatur um 1800 und 1900 2011.10 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)
Die Simple Stories von Raymond Carver: Textanalyse im Vergleich zu den deutschsprachigen Autoren, 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)
The Sensory Pleasure and Pain in the literary works Kafka, Faulkner and Suskind - International academic conference on language, literature and culture Osaka, Japan 2019.06 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、Pei-Chen Tsai
- International conference on tradition and innovation in Europe and in the EU Taipei, Taiwan 2017.05
Effects of Learning Motivations and Strategies on Foreign Language Performance Among Attentive Versus Inattentive EFL College Students - Fifth Asian Conference on Language Learning Kobe, Japan 2015.04 Hauran Jiang、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)
Practicing Critical Cultural Literacy with Creative Writing in the College Foreign Language Literature Classroom - The Asian Conference on Language Learning Kobe, Japan 2015.04 Chia-Ling Ho、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)
Effects of Lower Mindfulness on Efl Learners' Receptive English Performance and Anxiety - The Asian Conference on Language Learning Kobe, Japan 2015.04 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)
Effects of learning motivations and strategies on EFL college humanities versus science majors' English performance - international conference on education and psychology Tokyo, Japan 2014.12
Transferring Genre-oriented Tasks in Flip Learning for a Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: Asia Student News as Example - 2014 Cross-Straits International Conference on English for Specific Purposes (ESP) Asia University, Taiwan 2014.10 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG)
Die normale Unwahrscheinlichkeit der Liebe: Verführung in Judith Hermanns Die Liebe zu Ari Oskarsson und in Raymond Carvers What we talk about when we talk about love - 語言,文學與文化校際學術研討會 東吳大學 2014.03
Genre-oriented Tasks for College-level English Education in Obesity-related Exercise Science - The 2013 International Conference on English for Specific Purpose, ESP Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan 2013.11
Influences of various learning motivations between EFL analysts and intuitivists on foreign language literature performance - FLLT conference Bangkok, Thailand 2013.03
Divergent effects of learning motivations and learning strategies between analysts and intuitivists on English performance - FLLT conference Bangkok, Thailand 2013.03
Effects of sleep quality on EFL college students' attention, anxiety and English performance - Intellectbase international consortium Bangkok, Thailand 2012.03 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)
Effects of Inattention on EFL College Students' English Listening Performance - NTUTAPPLINGX 2011 international conference National Taipei University of Technology 2011.11 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、許晏榕(Yan-Ron Hsu)、吳至民(Chi-Ming Wu)
Effects of poor sleep quality, physical inactivity and anxiety on foreign language performance - The Second Cross-Strait Joint Symposium on Adaptive Medicine and Adaptability Jinan, China 2011.10
Assessment of Psycho-Physiological Factors for Foreign Language Learning: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach - The International Conference on Measurement and Evaluation in Education Penang, Malaysia 2011.10 許晏榕(Yan-Ron Hsu)、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、鄭正豐(C.F. Cheng)、李信達(Shin-Da Lee)
Assessing second foreign language learning anxiety, inattention, learning strategies and learning motivation - The International Conference on Measurement and Evaluation in Education Penang, Malaysia 2011.10 林欣儀(Sin-Yi Lin)、李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、鄭正豐(C.F. Cheng)
Überlegungen zum pädagogischen Fachbegriff „Literacy“ am Beispiel des Deutschlernens in Taiwan - International Rikkyo-Colloquium Rikkyo Univerisity, Tokyo 2011.09
Exploring the relationships among sleep quality, personality, and English performance - 4th annual international conference on literature, languages and linguistics Athens, Greece 2011.07 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)
Impact of Anxiety, Inattention, and Physical Inactivity on Foreign Language Performance: a Structural Equation Model - 6th Annual International Conference on Foreign Literature Teaching Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan 2011.05 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、鄭正豐(C.F. Cheng)
Effects of Audio-Visual Aids on Anxiety in Reading and Listening to Foreign Language Literature - 6th Annual International Conference on Foreign Literature Teaching Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan 2011.05 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、王安琪(An-Chi WANG)
- Symposium 2010: Literaturwissenschaft und Fremdkulturhermeneutik Tamkang University 2010.06 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)
概念隱喻與文學教學:以短篇小說教學為例 - Asia University, 5th International Conference on Literature Teaching Asia Univ. Taichung, Taiwan 2010.06 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、劉秀瑩(Hsiu-Ying LIU)
文體理論與文學教學 - Asia University 3rd International Conference on ’Globalization and Chinese Narrations' Asia Univ. Taichung, Taiwan 2009.12 李舒萍(Shu-Ping Lee)、陳建民(Chien-min Chen)
Content, Genre, Task and the Teaching of German Literature - 德語語言、文學、文化的教與學 Fu-Jen University 2009.10
Language and Culture“ or „Languaculture“ in FL instruction? Applying Theories from Halliday, Bachtin, Vygotsky and Foucault on FL - Association of German Teachers of Taiwan, International conference Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2008.10
Die Raumzeit-Beziehung in Christiane Karoline Schlegels Düval und Chamille - Asiatische Germanistentagung Kanazawa, Japan 2008.08
Effects of Computer-based Immediate Score Warning System on EFL Listening Comprehension and Anxiety - TEFL International Conference Taichung 2007.11
Task-oriented, Content-based Instruction for Grammar Teaching in a Taiwanese Context - TBLT 2007 conference Hawaii 2007.09
Effects of audio-visual aids on anxiety in reading and listening to foreign language literature 廖瑗玲 100 外文系<br>
Assessing Psycho-physiological Factors in Foreign Language Performance: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach 許晏榕 100 外文<br>