“In Search for Awareness of the Needs--- A Study of an ESP Intensive Program for Government Officials”,Parole: Journal of Linguistics and Education, vol.12 no.1 pp.60-68 Other 2022 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、林孟煒(Mavise Lin)*
"Void/Meaning: Female Narrative and Visual Reading in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s Dictee",景文學報, vol.30 no.2 pp.127-147 Other 2021 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、劉秀瑩(Hsiu-Ying LIU)*
Can the Discreditable be an Advantage? Mental Illnesses as Metaphors on Rhetorical Usages for Language Teaching,Parole: Journal of Linguistics and Education, vol.9 no.1 pp.31-43 Other 2019 施鈺珺(Yu-Chun Shih)、陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)*
Narrative Writing on New Immigrant Women: Perspective on Cultural Identity and Mother-Daughter Relationship,Parole: Journal of Linguistics and Education, vol.8 no.2 pp.72-80 Other 2018 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)*、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG)
“Diasporic Landscape of Women’s Poiesis: Zarina Bhimji’s Photography Love”〈女性詩學中的離散地景:敏菊攝影作品《愛》〉,景文學報, vol.27 no.2 pp.105-124 Other 2017 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)*
翻譯教學之實作與舉隅-淺談超文本小說《波浪女孩》的翻譯策略,南台人文社會學報 no.14 pp.105-140 Other 2015 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、劉秀瑩(Hsiu-Ying LIU)*、黃偉齡(Weiling Stephanie HUANG)
“Before Seediq Bale: Representation of Taiwanese Aborigine’s Documentary Films (1984-2010)”,朝陽人文學刊, vol.10 no.2 pp.65-98 Other 2012 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)
Self-Exploration of Sexual Identity in Hypertext— Narrative Strategies in Girl(s)’ Autobiography/ Pseudo-autobiography,人文與社會學報, vol.2 no.10 pp.141-171 Other 2012 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、黃偉齡(Weiling Stephanie HUANG)
Body, Space and Memory: The Construction of a Nomadic Other’s Subjectivity in Shu-Lea Cheang’s Internet Art” <身體、空間與記憶:鄭淑麗網路藝術中的遊牧他者之主體建構﹥,南藝學報 no.4 pp.125-149 Other 2012 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)
“Can Trauma be healed?: Body Writing in Diasporic Korean and Vietnamese American Women Artists”,國際文化研究, vol.6 no.2 pp.1-28 Other 2010 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)
“Who am I?”: Identity and Self-representation of Asian Women Artists in Cyborgs”,藝術論衡 no.3 pp.49-70 Other 2010 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、黃偉齡(Weiling Stephanie HUANG)*、、
<他者.創傷.再現:亞裔離散女性藝術家之歷史記憶與身體書寫>,輔仁外語學報:語言學、文學、文化 no.5 pp.137-168 Other 2008 簡瑛瑛(簡瑛瑛)、陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)
Petits Recits of the Others --Life Writing and Displacement in Heterotopology of Asian Women Kaun Tang International Publications Ltd. (冠唐國際圖書) 2021.12 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)
“In Research of the Female Images in The Epic of Gilgamesh“ - 2020 International Conference on Humanity & Social Practice and Care for the Vulnerable People (2020年人文社會實踐及弱勢倡導關懷國際研討會) Asia University, Taiwan 2020.11 鄧喻文(Yu-Wen Teng)、陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)
“Representation of the others in the Third Text ─Study on the Body Images of Southeast Asian Female Artists“ - 2020 International Conference on Humanity & Social Practice and Care for the Vulnerable People (2020年人文社會實踐及弱勢倡導關懷國際研討會) Asia University, Taiwan 2020.11 張嘉珍(Chia-Chen Chang)、陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)
“When the “Discreditables” Become an Advantage: Autism, Asperger, ADHD as Metaphors in Drama and Literature” - 2019 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics Taiwan 2019.03 施鈺珺(Yu-Chun Shih)、陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)
“New Immigrant Women’s Narrative and Identity on Picture Books and Graphic Memoirs: Manini’s Oblique Household Trilogy and Thi Bui’s The Best We Could Do” - 2019 International Conference and Workshop on TEFL & Applied Linguistics Taiwan 2019.03 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)
"Transformation of Cultural Identity in Visual Art: Narrative Writings on New Immigrant Women in Taiwan" - International Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ICSSH) Tokyo, Japan 2018.07 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)
- International Seminar Language Maintenance and Shift (LAMAS ) 7 Semarang, Indonesia 2017.07 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)
<台灣女婿及第二代母語學習研究–以南亞裔為主> - International Conference on Migration, Cultural Identity, Language and Communication 2017 Asia University, Taiwan. 2017.06 劉秀瑩(Hsiu-Ying LIU)、陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)
Narrative Writing on New Immigrant Women: Perspective on Cultural Studies and Mother- Daughter Relationship - International Conference on Migration, Cultural Identity, Language and Communication 2017 Asia University, Taiwan 2017.06 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG)
女性情慾旅行書寫的主體建構----陳雪《只愛陌生人》及凱薩琳米雷《慾望巴黎》 - 2016年人文社會學院人文創新社會實踐兩岸及國際學術研討會2016 Conference of Humanities Innovation and Social Practice in College of Humanities and Social Sciences Asia University, Taichung, Taiwan 2016.05 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)
Diasporic Landscape in Women Poiesis: Zarina Bhimji’s Photography Love - 2014數位典藏加值研討會 中興大學人社院 2014.06 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、黃偉齡(Weiling Stephanie HUANG)
“Using ESP Approach in Reshuffling Translation Curriculum Design” - 2013 International Conference on English for Specific Purposes Taichung, Taiwan (Asia University) 2013.11 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、劉秀瑩(Hsiu-Ying LIU)、黃偉齡(Weiling Stephanie HUANG)
“In Searching for the Awareness of the Needs ---- A Study of an ESP Intensive Program for Government Officials” - 2013 International Conference on English for Specific Purposes Taichung, Taiwan (Asia University) 2013.11 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、林孟煒(Mavise Lin)
“Taiwanese Women's Body Discourse and Narrative Epic of Space: The Overpass of Pleasure from Female Ghosts to Witches” - The Third Annual Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS) Osaka, Japan 2013.05 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)
Self-Exploration of Sexual Identity in Hypertext—Narrative Strategies in Girl(s)’ Autobiography/Pseudo-autobiography - 2nd Annual Conference of Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand (POPCAANZ) Auckland, New Zealand 2011.06 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、黃偉齡(Weiling Stephanie HUANG)
超文本中的性別自曝--女孩(們)的自傳/偽自傳之敘述策略 - 第六屆「外國文學教學」國際學術研討會 亞洲大學 2011.05 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、黃偉齡(Weiling Stephanie HUANG)
“Body Politics and Self- Identity on Cyborgs: Comparison among Asian Women Artists” - the 3rd Annual International Conference on Philology, Literatures and Linguistics Athens, Greece 2010.07 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、黃偉齡(Weiling Stephanie HUANG)
Story Teller, Healer, and Mediator: Si-Marlirei’s Documentary Film—And Deliver Us From Evil.” - 2008「『全球化』與華語論述」國際研討會 亞洲大學 2008.12
The Nomadic Other: Cyborg’s Sex and Internet’s Love in Shu-lea Cheang’s Art. - Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities. Hawaii 2008.01
Representation of Taiwanese Aborigine’s Documentary Films on Popular Culture Theories. - Globalization and Chinese Narrations Asia University. 2007.12
Cross the Garden of Empire: Introspection of Post-colonialism on Zarina Bhimji’s Photography. - 2007台灣視覺文化與藝術教育國際學術研討會:全球化VS去殖民 台北市立教育大學 2007.11
Post-colonial Imagination and Mimicry Experience in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s Dictee - 第五屆苗栗縣文學學術研討會 國立聯合大學 2007.10
The Bodily Writing and Healing of Diasporic Asian American Women Artists. - 「亞洲與他者」國際學術研討會 國立臺灣師範大學 2007.06
Teaching and Studying of Minority Female Writings on Comparative Literature Aspects - 亞洲大學第二屆外國文學教學國際學術研討會 亞洲大學 2007.03
Bodily Experience of Asian American Women’s Movement and Postcolonality: Shu-Lea Cheang’s Internet Art - 交通大學第二屆全國研究生會議 交通大學 2004.06
《「她者」的轉化:繪本與圖文回憶錄的視覺系移民女性敘事與身份認同》 (MOST 108-2410-H-468-003 -) 2019.08.01 ~ 2020.07.31 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、房智慧(Chih-Hui FANG)
《異質空間與他者:台灣另類文本中的性別論述-台灣 女性身體與空間敘事史觀:女鬼與女巫的踰/愉悅》 (NSC 101-2410-H-468 -024 -) 2012.08.01 ~ 2013.07.31 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)
《女同性戀自傳超文本之敘述與視覺美學探討》 (NSC 99-2410-H-468-021-) 2010.08.01 ~ 2011.07.31 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)、黃偉齡(Weiling Stephanie HUANG)
《人機複合體的性別與族裔迷思:亞洲藝術家林欣怡, 森萬里子與李部作品之比較(I) 》 (NSC 98 - 2629 - H - 468 - 019 -) 2009.08.01 ~ 2010.07.30 陳淑娟(Shu-Chuan CHEN)
英詩選讀 46U00153A (大學日間部 )【第113學年第2學期:A班】<br>This class aims to possess a comprehensive knowledge of the great body of poetry written in English, thus, to enrich students' understanding and appreciation of the genre as well as the inscribed culture.
英文作文(六) 46U00151C (大學日間部 )【第113學年第2學期:C班】<br>The aim of this course is to help students build up the ideas of writing an essay. They will start from how to choose options. And then they could develop the ability of evaluation information and making comparisons, organizing cause-effect elements and giving classification.
西洋文學概論(一) 46U00009A (大學日間部 )【第113學年第2學期:A班】<br>The aim of this course is stimulate students' motivation of knowing the foundation of western literature.