Marketrofile with Convolutional Neural Networks: Learning the Structure of Price Activities,2014 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control(IS3C) EI 2020 Chern-Bin Ju、Min-Chih Hung、陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
Exploring the Impact of Smartphone Addiction in Prospective Memory,Journal of Advances in Information Technology EI 2018 Hsiu-Sen Chiang、Zi-Yu Dong、Chien-Cheng Lin、陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
Using intelligent computing and data stream mining for behavioral finance associated with market profile and financial physics,APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, vol.68 pp.756-764 SCI 2018 Chien-Cheng Lin、Chun-Sheng Chen、陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
Hedging an option portfolio with minimum transaction lots: A fuzzygoal programming problem,APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING SCI 2016 Chang-Chun Lin、Yi-Ting Liu、陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
he Discovery of Investment Behavior integrated Data Mining on ETF in Taiwan,Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol.382 pp.285-294 EI 2016 Bo-Wen Yang、 Mei-Chen Wu、Chiou-Hung Lin、Chiung-Fen Huang、陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
Data Mining Application to Financial Market to Discover the Behavior of Entry Point - A Case Study of Taiwan Index Future Market,Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol.382 pp.295-303 EI 2016 Mei-Chen Wu、Bo-Wen Yang、Chiou-Hung Lin、Ya-Hui Huang、陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
Hedging an option portfolio with minimum transaction lots: A fuzzygoal programming problem,Applied Soft Computing Journal, vol.47 pp.295-303 EI 2016 Chang-Chun Lin、 Yi-Ting Liu、陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
A Market Making Quotation Strategy Based on Dual Deep Learning Agents for Option Pricing and Bid-Ask Spread Estimation - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Agents New York City 2018.09 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
Cloning Strategies from Trading Records using Agent-based Reinforcement Learning Algorithm - 2018 IEEE International Conference on Agents New York City 2018.09 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
Using Artificial Neural Networks and Market Profile Theory to Construct the Trading Analysis in Stock Market - 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications New York City 2018.08 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
Exploring the Impact of Smartphone Addiction in Prospective Memory - 3rd International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Applications New York City 2018.08 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
Treand Behavior Research by Pattern Analysis in Financial Big data - A Case Study of Taiwan Index Futures Market - The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data New York City 2016.11 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
Financial Time-series Data Analysis using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks - The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data New York City 2016.11 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
Binary Classification and Data Analysis for Modeling Calendar Anomalies in Financial Markets - The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data New York City 2016.11 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
Applying Market Profile Theory to Analyze Financial Big Data and Discover Financial Market Trading Behavior - A Case Study of Taiwan Futures Market - The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data New York City 2016.11 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
Treand Behavior Research by Pattern Analysis in Financial Big data - A Case Study of Taiwan Index Futures Market. - The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data 澳門大學 2016.09 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
Binary Classification and Data Analysis for Modeling Calendar Anomalies in Financial Markets. The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data - The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data 澳門大學 2016.09 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
Financial Time-series Data Analysis using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data - The 7th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data 澳門大學 2016.09 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
How Much of a Person Influencing the Others and Being Influenced Matters in Opinion Formation Games - Collective Intelligence Conference 2016 New York City 2016.08 陳安斌(An-Pin Chen)
衍生性金融商品 87M00023A (研究所碩士班 )【第112學年第2學期:A班】<br>本課程將針對衍生性商品作一完整的介紹,使學生能對此領域作一通盤的瞭解,課程內容兼具本土化與國際化之特性,理論與實務並重,以期學生能以更寬廣的眼光來觀察及剖析衍生性商品市場,培養精闢的投資分析能力。