Improving the concentration of students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Electroencephalographic analysis on the effect of learning activity interventions,International Journal of Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics, vol.13 no.1 pp.51-65 Other 2020 Tsai, M-H.、Huang, S-R,、 Chang, S-C,、羅育齡(Yu-Ling Sabrina Lo)、Lu, Y-C.
Students with learning disabilities in the social studies: A meta-analysis of intervention research. Exceptional Children,EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN SSCI 2020 Ciullo, S、Colline, A、Wissinger, D、McKenna, J. W.、羅育齡(Yu-Ling Sabrina Lo)、Osmen, D.
Taiwanese families’ perspectives on learning disabilities: an exploratory study in three middle schools,Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, vol.16 no.2 pp.77-88 Other 2016 朱思穎(Szu-Yin Chu)*、羅育齡(Yu-Ling Sabrina Lo)
A Synthesis of Research on Informational Text Reading Interventions for Elementary Students with Learning Disabilities,JOURNAL OF LEARNING DISABILITIES, vol.49 no.3 pp.257-271 SSCI 2016 Ciullo, S.(Ciullo, S.)*、羅育齡(Yu-Ling Sabrina Lo)、Reed. D
The effects of meta-cognitive instruction on students’ reading comprehension in computerized reading contexts: A quantitative meta-analysis,EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY, vol.17 no.4 pp.186-202 SSCI 2014 Lan, Y. C.(Lan, Y. C.)*、羅育齡(Yu-Ling Sabrina Lo)、Hsu, Y. S.
Assessing Preschool children’s oral retell with an retell quality scoring rubric: an expository study - 2020 ICEL International Conference on Education and Learning Kyoto, Japan 2020.08 羅育齡(Yu-Ling Sabrina Lo)、黃意婷(Hung, Yi-Ting)
Together and better: How a family went through education stages with three children with ADD, ADHD, and learning disabilities - 2019 Global Conference for Educational Research Sarasota, FL. 2019.05 羅育齡(Yu-Ling Sabrina Lo)、林妮燕(Ni-Yen Lin)、卓美秀(Mei-Hsiu Chuo)
Special Education: Impact of Social Interaction With Service Robots in the Students With Visual Impairment Under the Different Demographic Factors - 2019 Global Conference for Educational Research Sarasota, FL. 2019.05 孫旻暐(MEIN-WOEI SUEN)、Artaria, M. D,、陳貽照(Yi-Chao Chen)、羅育齡(Yu-Ling Sabrina Lo)、卓美秀(Mei-Hsiu Chuo)、Chung-Ta Yang、Ee Kean Tan
Story Theater of “New Pinocchio” in Chinese Language Learning -An Action Research - 2019 Global Conference for Educational Research Sarasota, FL. 2019.05 卓美秀(Mei-Hsiu Chuo)、孫旻暐(MEIN-WOEI SUEN)、羅育齡(Yu-Ling Sabrina Lo)、林妮燕(Ni-Yen Lin)、Chung-Ta Yang
文化美感的實踐:以美國中文學校暑期班的中華文化教學為例 - 2019幼兒美感藝術教育國際學術研討會 中華民國/台灣/台中市霧峰區 2019.03 羅育齡(Yu-Ling Sabrina Lo)、林依儒、許芳瑀、陳冠締、陳愛嫣、廖佳儀
Evidence-Based Practices for Improving Social Studies Knowledge - 2019 Council for Exceptional Children Convention & Expo Indianapolis, IN, USA 2019.01 Alyson Collins、Stephen Ciullo、羅育齡(Yu-Ling Sabrina Lo)、John McKenna
提升注意力缺陷不足過動症學童學習專注力:以腦波儀分析學習活動介入效果 - 2016「我們的教育、我們的未來」國際學術研討會 國家教育研究院 2016.10 羅育齡(Yu-Ling Sabrina Lo)、江欣柏、蔡明學
Effects of Description Text Structure Instruction on Third Grade Students with Learning Disabilities. - 2015 Council for Exceptional Children Convention and Expo San Diego, CA, USA 2015.04 羅育齡(Yu-Ling Sabrina Lo)、Linan-Thompson, S.
發展兒童對繪本故事理解與重述的評分標準 (MOST110-2410-H-468-021) 2021.08.01 ~ 2022.12.31 羅育齡(Yu-Ling Sabrina Lo)、黃意婷(Yi-Ting Huang)
兒童早期讀寫發展 43U00190A (大學日間部 )【第113學年第2學期:A班】<br>(1) 認識幼兒讀寫發展的基本概念 (2) 發展建立支持讀寫萌發的環境與教學策略 (3) 知道如何從課程中統整讀寫萌發的經驗